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Accessible Halloween Costumes for Inclusive Fun

Halloween is right around the corner, and if your children want last-minute adaptive costumes, here are some great resources!

Sometimes the perfect costume is in the simplest place, like Target. Their results for accessible costumes can be filtered by features, characters, types of costume, and other options. You can order your costume for same-day pickup at a nearby store and get it in a flash.

Target’s toddler unicorn jumper has detachable elements to customize it, abdominal access, and wheelchair attachments. It also snaps at the shoulder and zips along the side for an easy costume change! Another option is Target’s kid’s construction worker costume. The fabrics are designed for comfort, and the outfit hooks easily to a wheelchair.

Target also has some accessible costume options f0r adults, such as a racecar driver or a medieval princess.

If Target doesn’t have what you’re looking for, has more options in their kids’  section. This article from Mat Oliver details the various features that help make costumes accessible and suit every trick-or-treater’s unique needs.

We hope your Halloween is fun and safe for all!

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