Interchange Office Building, 2355 Highway 36 West, Suite 400, Roseville, MN 55113
(651) 482-0549

Assistive Technology that Makes a Difference!

Assistive Technology that Makes a Difference!

Share these great resources with your patients, clients, and friends!  (Courtesy of our friends at Courage Kenny Rehabilitative Institute)
  • Clarity Fortissimo Remote Controlled Speakerphone – This phone is switch adapted, simple voice commands, large buttons and amplified audio features.
  • iPads come with built-in accessibility options but there are other assistive technology options that can be used, such as switch access, a mouth stick and an augmentative communication program.
  • The LiveScribe pen is excellent for academic and vocational needs. It allows you to write a few words or draw a picture and attach an audio recording to it.
  • Smart Home website to automate light switches, locks, and other home technologies.
  • Enabling Devices website with IPad accessories, communication devices, and more disabled technology assistive devices than you can imagine!
  • Speakeasy with technology for speech recognition and dictation.
We treat clients the way we want to be treated. 

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