In Minnesota, home care nursing is funded occasionally by a person’s health insurance plan, but most often long-term nursing care is funded by MN Medical Assistance (MA). MA pays for nursing care and supplies, which generally covers the recipient’s needs. Sometimes, though, the recipient has a unique or short term need that must be addresses through another funding source.
County Waiver programs such as CAC and CADI can help pay for special equipment such as lifts or vehicle enhancements or for ramps on a home. You can learn more and apply through this state web site: https://mn.gov/dhs/people-we-serve/people-with-disabilities/services/home-community/programs-and-services/hcbs-waivers.jsp
In addition to the CAC and CADI waiver programs, Minnesota counties also have the CDCD program, which is more like a self-directed budget for the recipient. The recipient must first be on a county waiver to apply for the CDCS program. A unique aspect of the CDCS program is that parents of disabled minors can be paid as a caregiver. For more information, read this state web page https://mn.gov/dhs/people-we-serve/people-with-disabilities/services/home-community/programs-and-services/cdcs.jsp .
Additional information https://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/idcplg?IdcService=GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION&RevisionSelectionMethod=LatestReleased&dDocName=id_048211
For CDCS Hennepin County, call 612-348-4111.
For CDCS Ramsey County, call 651-266-3613 or email RCMnChoices.Intake@ramseycounty.us
For CDCS Anoka County, call 763-324-1295