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ENDemic – California is the first state to formally shift COVID approach

ENDemic – California is the first state to formally shift COVID approach

The end is in sight! Two years after being the first state to go into COVID lockdown, California’s statewide mask mandate recently expired (with the exception of schools), and Gov Newsom will make an announcement on February 28 about the end of the school mask mandates.

An endemic is a step down from a pandemic; this step is possible now as the virus is more manageable because more people are naturally immune or vaccinated. According to Newsom’s new plan, the focus will be on quickly reacting to spikes rather than long-term protocols.

Other states like Texas and South Dakota have ended emergency protocols related to COVID, but California is the first to formally declare this shift.

Minnesota removed statewide mask mandates in May of 2021, although the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul reinstated mandates for a short time in January of 2022.  

As we look to a new chapter, let’s remember the ways we can take care of ourselves and our communities going forward. Healthy foods and exercise go a long way in promoting sustainable health! For a great natural supplement, check out last week’s bone broth recipe.

Cover photo taken by Nassoom Azvedo, found on Unsplash.

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