Interchange Office Building, 2355 Highway 36 West, Suite 400, Roseville, MN 55113
(651) 482-0549

Rx Takeback Day

Rx Takeback Day

Hey friends! The next National Prescription Drug Takeback Day is Saturday, April 24, from 10am-2pm.

There are multiple benefits to these national takeback programs. Firstly, expired medication should be safely disposed of, as advised by the FDA. In addition, many addictions and overdoses start with medicines swiped from home cabinets. Cleaning and organizing medications is crucial to help prevent them from falling in the wrong hands.

Here is a list of local drop-off sites around Ramsey County. Takeback Day is primarily hosted by police departments, so check if your local precinct is participating. Other options include the Wildwood Library in Washington County, and the Wayzeta fire department and city hall.

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