A few weeks ago. Communities of Care underwent an audit by an insurance company to ensure that we are complying with all the licensing requirements from the Minnesota Department of Health. We are thrilled to report that we passed with flying colors. The auditor was impressed with Joan’s efficiency and accuracy in retrieving the requested information, and gave us this praise: “Thank you for your quick response! I have reviewed the additional information that you provided. It was exactly what I needed. I have completed the site survey for Communities of Care. The agency passed with 100%! Congratulations! I have enjoyed working with you.”
From day one, Communities of Care has been committed to integrity, professionalism, and accuracy in compliance and record keeping. Every client chart is carefully audited, and any incidents are reported, investigated, and appropriately managed. In the last few years, the company has transitioned to online record storage, but we keep the same standards. We are proud to serve our clients with honor and accuracy.