At Communities of Care, we are proud to offer professional and compassionate home care across the Twin Cities, but let’s take a minute to redefine “home care”.
Many people experience home care in a limited capacity. Most people think of a nurse visiting their elderly relative after a surgery, and that’s a good and necessary form of home care, but we do a little bit more than that. We provide long-term, extended-hours care to clients who have complex conditions like a tracheostomy, ventilator, or muscular dystrophy. Some of our clients require 24-hour nursing care, but others only have day shifts or night shifts.
Our clients require a variety of care routines and medications, and our nurses are thoroughly trained to meet these complex needs. We have high ethical standards and customize each client’s care to meet their specific needs.
We’ve been provding high-caliber nursing care since 1999, and we will continue to make a measurable difference in the lives of our clients every day.